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Dear Students,
We are sorry to inform you that Prof. Moy have to return to Malaysia due to family emergency, this workshop has been changed to ONLINE.
Please confirm the information as below:

★  Nov. 1, 2022  will be asynchronous online course

 If you want to participate in the second section, please complete this course before 8th Nov.,2022 via link :

★  Nov. 8, 2022  will be synchronous online course on 13:00~15:00

Meeting code:2559 370 2683


Thank you for your understanding.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any question(
-------------------------------------------- Original announcement------------------------------------------------
Dear Students,
This is a great pleasure to invite Prof. Moy Foong Ming from the University of Malaya as a visiting professor this semester and will hold Nutritional Epidemiology Workshop
on Nov. 1st & 8th, 2022.
Workshop information as below:
DateNov. 1st & 8th, 2022 13:00~15:00
Workshop:Nutritional Epidemiology Workshop
Please feel free to contact us if you have any question(
Welcomes all students participate!