檢附本月份學院「精準公衛及科技應用論壇」&「 全球夥伴關係系列演講」之演講公告,敬邀各位師長撥空參加~ 謝謝。
※ 精準公衛及科技應用論壇聯絡人:公衛學院秘書世潔(#16002
【精準公衛及科技應用論壇11月份演講 】
「精準公衛及科技應用論壇 」
「全球夥伴關係系列演講Series of speeches about global partnership」
For students who are interested in joining the speech, please register by the link below:
https://forms.gle/ oVSUyQtGw7VtbWDQA
[Speeches with Prof. King Chwan-Chuen]
Registration link: https://forms.gle/ Y4iPPzR24TEkQdfPA
Time: Nov. 1st,2023 13:00-15:00
Location: Global Health Meeting Room
Topic: "Dynamic Changes and Challenges of Global Infectious Diseases "
Location: Global Health Meeting Room
Topic: "Dynamic Changes and Challenges of Global Infectious Diseases "