Yi-Hua Chen | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor & Dean | yichen@tmu.edu.tw | 16000 | https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/yi-hua-chen |
Chyi-Huey Bai | College of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor & Associate Dean | baich@tmu.edu.tw | 16013 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/chyi-huey-bai |
Hsing-Jasmine Chao | College of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor & Associate Dean | hchao@tmu.edu.tw | 16023 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/hsing-jasmine-chao |
Chih-Ching Yeh | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | ccyeh@tmu.edu.tw | 16014 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/chih-ching-yeh |
Ruey-Yu Chen | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | rueyyu@tmu.edu.tw | 16016 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/ruey-yu-chen |
Chien-Tien Su | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | ctsu@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/chien-tien-su |
Ling-Chu Chien | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | lcchien@tmu.edu.tw | 16028 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/ling-chu-chien |
Kun-Yang Chuang | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | adinma@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/kun-yang-chuang |
Chieh-Feng Chen | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | clifchen@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/chiehfeng-chen |
Ying-Chih Chuang | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | yingchih@tmu.edu.tw | 16027 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/ying-chih-chuang |
Ching-Yao Hu | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | cyhu@tmu.edu.tw | 16015 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/ching-yao-hu |
Kai-Jen Chuang | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | kjc@tmu.edu.tw | 16010 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/kai-jen-chuang |
Hui-Chuan Hsu | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Professor | gingerhsu@tmu.edu.tw | 16017 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/hui-chuan-hsu |
Ya-Li Huang | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | ylhuang@tmu.edu.tw | 16024 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/ya-li-huang |
Fang-I Hsieh | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | hsiehfangi@tmu.edu.tw | 16022 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/fang-i-hsieh |
Chia-Huang Chang | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | koko826@tmu.edu.tw | 16021 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/zh/persons/chia-huang-chang |
Sheng-Feng Lin | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/sheng-feng-lin |
Shu-Fen Liao | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/shu-fen-liao |
Yu-Jung Liu | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | | 16012 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/yu-jung-liu |
Wei-Jen Chen | School of Public Health | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | | 16018 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/wei-jen-chen |
Cheng-Yi Chen | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Director & Professor | chenyic@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/cheng-yi-chen |
Mau-Roung Lin | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | mrlin@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/mau-roung-lin |
Kuo-Sheng Hung | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | kshung@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/kuo-sheng-hung |
Ping-Ling Chen | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | plchen@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/ping-ling-chen |
Chih-Wei Pai | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | cpai@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/chih-wei-pai |
Hon-Ping Ma | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | acls2000@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/hon-ping-ma |
Yen-Nung Lin | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | solin1103@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/yen-nung-lin |
Feng-Hang Chang | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Professor | fhchang@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/feng-hang-chang |
Li Wei | Institute of Injury Prevention and Control | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | weili@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/li-wei |
Hung-Yi Chiou | Master Program in Applied Epidemiology | | Factuly Directory | Professor | hychiou@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/hung-yi-chiou |
Wei-Cheng Lo | Master Program in Applied Epidemiology | | Factuly Directory | Associate Professor | nicholaslo@tmu.edu.tw | 16011 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/wei-cheng-lo |
Feng-Jen Tsai | Master & Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Healt | | Factuly Directory | Professor & Chair | jeanfjtsai@tmu.edu.tw | 16035 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/feng-jen-tsai |
Wayne Gao | Master & Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Healt | | Factuly Directory | Professor | waynegao@tmu.edu.tw | | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/wayne-gao |
Mattia Sanna | Master & Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Healt | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | msanna@tmu.edu.tw | 16030 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/mattia-sanna |
Tuo-Yu Chen | Master & Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Healt | | Factuly Directory | Assistant Professor | timtimtim@tmu.edu.tw | 16036 | https://hub.tmu.edu.tw/en/persons/tuo-yu-chen |